Yoga Class Tips

Advice for preparing for and attending your first yoga class.

Many people who first begin a yoga class may feel a bit intimidated or nervous because they don't know what to expect. If you are new to yoga, there are some things that you need to know so that you can be sure to enjoy the experience. The following three tips will help you feel more comfortable, confident and prepared when you attend your first class.

Avoid Heavy Eating Before Class
It's best to avoid going to a yoga class on a full stomach. Trying to preform the various yoga exercises right after a meal can interfere with your practice. Trying to twist your body into different postures in a relaxed and focused manner can be difficult when your stomach is still trying to digest a heavy meal. It's recommended to not eat for at least one hour before preforming yoga. If you must eat something before class, make it a light and healthy snack, such as fruit, and make it around 20 minutes before the class begins.

Get To Class Early
It's good practice to get to class on time and to not be late. For your very first time, it's a good idea to get to the class at least 10 minutes early. This will give you an adequate amount of time to get aquainted with the yoga trainer and to fill out any necessary paperwork that may be required. Arriving early will also help to choose an ideal spot in the class and you will be able to ask your yoga instructor any questions you may have about yoga or the class itself.

Have The Right Props
You will need a yoga mat to preform the exercises in class. You may also need to get any addional yoga equipment that may be required such as a strap, block or blanket. Having the right props will make your first class much more enjoyable and beneficial, making it easier to practice the yoga moves while enhacing your level of relaxation. There are some yoga acessories that are especially suited for beginners such as gloves and socks, but these are not neccesary since they do not enhance your practice, but can simply make the experience more comfortable.

Before Signing Up
Before you sign up for and attend a yoga class, it helps to find out what to expect. In some of the best yoga classes there might be some meditation or chanting at the very beginning of the class. You should not feel pressured to participate in this if you are not comfortable, but it's important to keep an open mind. Remember, that you are taking the yoga class so that you can receive the very best experience and any stress or worry will hamper your efforts. Whether you choose to work with a private yoga instructor, or choose to attend a group class, you are sure to enjoy your experience if you follow the above advice. Remember to just breathe and relax!

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If you decide to join a yoga group make sure you are joining a class that fits your current level of experience, physical abilities and personal schedule. Try to stick to a regular routine when practicing yoga so that you can receive the full long term benefits. If a social or group setting is not for you, than you can always practice yoga in the privacy and comfort of your own home through an instructional DVD or video, but you would be at a disadvantage. With an in-person yoga instructor or a class room setting you will be able to make sure that you are preforming the yoga posture correctly, so as to prevent strain or injury.

If you have any current injuries, physical limitations or health issues then it's recommended that you talk to your doctor about yoga if you have any questions or concerns, just to be on the safe side.

Are you interested in teaching yoga? Check out this unique Yoga Instructor Certification program which will train you to teach yoga, learn the best yoga techniques, and even start your own yoga class.

About Yoga For Beginners
The meaning, purpose and benefits of yoga practice.

The Different styles of Yoga
The various different forms of yoga and their unique benefits.

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The various physical, mental and emotional benfits of yoga practice.

Chakra Yoga Poses
Specific yoga positions for healing and energizing the chakras.