Astrological Signs of Each Chakra

In Astrology, there are 12 disctict zodiac signs. Each of the 7 chakra points has specific Astrological signs associated with them, along with the corresponding planets. The energy of each chakra is affected by your mood and environment, as well as the energy of earth and cosmic energies. Each astrological zodiac sign is associated with one specific chakra center, through which it expresses both its positive and negative energetic aspects.

Each one of the 7 Chakras, is also governed by one particular Planet, as well as being associated with one of the clasic elements of nature.

Astrological signs of Each Chakra

Root  |  Sacral  |  Solar  |  Heart  |  Throat  |  Brow  |  Crown

Chakras Associated with Each Zodiac Sign

Aries  |  Taurus  |  Gemini  |  Cancer  |  Leo  |  Virgo  |  Libra  |  Scorpio  |  Sagittarius  |  Aquarius  |  Pisces

Visit Dimension 11:11 - Astrology Section for more detailed descriptions about the Zodiac Sun Signs, planets, elements and more.

The First sign of the Zodiac is ARIES.

Aries is associated with the SOLAR CHAKRA. (Manipura, the 3rd chakra)

The Ruling planet of Aries is MARS; The Element of Aries is FIRE

The Second Sign of the Zodiac is TAURUS is associated with HEART CHAKRA. (Anahata, the 4th chakra)

The Ruling planet of Taurus is VENUS; The Element of Taurus is EARTH

The Astrological sign of GEMINI is associated with the THROAT CHAKRA

The Ruling Planet of Gemini is MERCURY; The Element of Gemini is AIR

The Astrological sign of CANCER is associated with the BROW CHAKRA.

The Ruling Planet of Cancer is the MOON (considered a planetary body in Astrology); The Element of Cancer is WATER


The Astrological sign of LEO is associated with the CROWN CHAKRA.

The Ruling Planet of Leo is the SUN (considered a planetary body in Astrology); The Element of Cancer is FIRE

Leo is also sometimes associated with the BROW Chakra, and/or the SOLAR Chakra.

The Astrological sign of VIRGO is associated with the THROAT CHAKRA.

The Ruling Planet of Virgo is the MERCURY The Element of Cancer is EARTH

The Astrological sign of LIBRA is associated with the HEART CHAKRA

The Ruling Planet of Libra is VENUS; The Element of Libra is AIR

The Astrological sign of SCORPIO is associated with the SOLAR CHAKRA. (sometimes Sacral)

The Ruling Planet of Scorpio is PLUTO; The Element of Scorpio is WATER

Scorpio is sometimes associated with the Sacral Chakra, due to Scorpio's connection the Reproductive Organs and Sexuality, along with it being of the Water Element, all associated with the Sacral Chakra.

The Astrological sign of SAGITTARIUS is associated with the SACRAL CHAKRA. (sometimes Solar)

The Ruling Planet of Sagittarius is JUPITER; The Element of Sagittarius is FIRE


The Astrological sign of CAPRICORN is associated with the ROOT CHAKRA

The Ruling Planet of Capricorn is SATURN; The Element of Capricorn is EARTH

The Astrological sign of AQUARIUS is associated with the ROOT CHAKRA

The Ruling Planet of Aquarius is URANUS; The Element of Aquarius is AIR

The Astrological sign of PISCES is associated with the SACRAL CHAKRA

The Ruling Planet of Pisces is NEPTUNE; The Element of Pisces is WATER

The sign of Pisces is sometimes associated with the Brow Chakra, due to it being the sign of mysticism, psychic energies, dreams and visions.

The ROOT CHAKRA corresponds to the Astrological Sign of CAPRICORN & AQUARIUS (*also, Aries)

Zodiac sign Capricorn is ruled by planet SATURN
Zodiac sign Aquarius is ruled by planet URANUS

The Elemental Energy of Capricorn is EARTH
The Elemental Energy of Aquarius is AIR

The Root chakra is the center for personal strength, willpower, confidence, self-esteem and one's passions

*Sometimes the astrological sign of Scorpio is associated with the energies of the Root (and Sacral) chakras, due to Scorpios connection to the reproductive and excretory system, as well as the bowels and sex organs, as well as the sign having the qualities of intense passion and lust.


The SACRAL CHAKRA corresponds to the Astrological Sign of SAGITTARIUS & PISCES (*Also, Scorpio and Taurus)

Zodiac sign Sagittarius is ruled by planet JUPITER
Zodiac sign Pisces is ruled by planet NEPTUNE

The Elemental Energy of Pisces is Water

The Sacral chakra is the center for pleasure, security, self esteem, and sexuality

* The Sacral Chakra is sometimes association with Scorpio, since Scorpio governs the reproductive organs and is connected to sexuality, similar to the Sacral Correspondances. The Sign of Scorpio is of the Element of Water, which is also the elemental energy of the Sacral Chakra.

The Sacral Chakra is also sometimes associated with Taurus, since its the sign connected to Security and Sensuality. Taurus is also of the Element of Earth, and so could be considered a combination of energies between the Root and Sacral Chakras.

The SOLAR CHAKRA corresponds to the Astrological Signs of SCORPIO & ARIES (*Sometimes Leo is also associated with the Solar Chakra, due to it being Ruled by The Sun and of the Element of Fire)

Zodiac sign Scorpio is ruled by planet PLUTO
Zodiac sign Aries is ruled band ARIES is ruled by planet MARS

The Elemental Energy of Aries is FIRE

The Solar chakra is the center for physical pleasure, security, self esteem, and creativity.

* Scorpio is sometimes associated with the Sacral chakra, due to it being the sign that governs the genitals/sexuality, and also with its Element being Water, as is the Sacral Chakra. Scorpio could be considered a mixture between the energies of the Sacral and the Solar Chakra.

Aries is sometimes associated with the Sacral and/or Root Chakra) due to Aries being of the Element of Fire, which is associated with the Root Chakra, and also ruled by the Fiery Planet Mars.

Although not typically associated with The Solar Chakra, the astrological sign of Virgo, governs over the digestive system, intestines and Spleen, which are all anatomical areas represented by the Solar Chakra--(with the exception of the spleen, which is more connected to the Sacral chakra Centre).


The HEART CHAKRA corresponds to the Astrological Sign of LIBRA & TAURUS

Zodiac sign Libra is ruled by VENUS
Zodiac sign Taurus is ruled by the Planet VENUS

The Elemental Energy of Taurus is EARTH

The Heart chakra is the center for love, relationships, beauty and harmony.

* Taurus is sometimes associated with the Root/Sacral Chakra centeres, due to Taurus being of the EARTH element, and also with Taurus being associated with qualities such as stability, security, sensuality and physical pleasure.

The astrological sign of Gemini is not usually associated with the Heart Chakra, although Gemini governs over the anatomical areas of the shoulders, lungs, arms and hands, which are areas also associated with the Heart Chakra. Also, Both Gemini and the Heart Chakra are both associated with the Element of Air.

In Astrology, the anatomical areas of the physical heart, upper back and spine (Heart chakra locations), are governed by the sign of Leo. Also, the subsequent astrological sign is Cancer, which rules the chest, breast and stomach.

The THROAT CHAKRA corresponds to the Astrological Sign of GEMINI & VIRGO

Zodiac sign Gemini is ruled by planet MERCURY
Zodiac sign VIRGO is ruled by the planet MERCURY and Virgo are ruled by the Planet MERCURY

The Elemental Energy of Virgo is EARTH

The Throat Chakra is the center for communication, creativity, self expression, and wisdom.

* Although not usually connected to the Throat Chakra, the astrological sign of Taurus governs the neck, thyroid gland, and vocal cords in the body, which are also the anatomical areas associated with the Throat Chakra.

Also, the sign of Gemini, governs over the shoulders, lungs, arms and hands of the physical body--which are all anatomically associated with Heart Chakra (the centre below the throat, and both Gemini and the Heart chakra are connected to the Element of AIR.


The BROW CHAKRA corresponds to the Astrological Sign of CANCER

Zodiac sign Cancer is ruled by the MOON (considered a planetary body in Astrology)

The The Brow Chakra is the center for intuition, insight, dreams and spiritual visions.

The CROWN CHAKRA corresponds to the Astrological Sign of LEO

The zodiac sign of Leo is ruled by the SUN (considered a planetary body in Astrology)

The Crown Chakra is the center for Spirituality, connection to Source/God/Spirit and Unity

* Leo is also sometimes associated with the BROW Chakra instead, while the Crown is often not associated with any astrological sign; also Leo is sometimes associated with the Solar Chakra, due to it being ruled by the Sun and of the Element of Fire.


Visit Dimension 11:11 - Astrology Section for more detailed descriptions about the Zodiac Sun Signs, planets, elements and more.

Chant to the Elements
Earth my body
Water my blood
Air my breath
Fire my spirit