Healing The Chakras With The ELEMENTS
Each chakra corresponds to one of the natural elements. The five elements of nature are Earth, Air, Water and Fire, and the fifth spiritual element of Aether (Space/Spirit) is also included. Every Element exists within every cell of our body, and all five elements exist to a degree within all of the 7 chakras. Each Chakra contains a ‘layer’ of each of the five Elemental Levels of energy.
In addition, Chinese philosophy recognizes five distinct elements of cyclical change called water, wood, fire, earth, and metal, which are also used in accupuncture and feng shui.
Each element is considered either warm or cold, moist or dry, and is also associated with a gender; unlike masculine/feminine as a sexual gender, these energies represent qualities instead. The female (Yin) essence represents dark and receptive energy, and the male (Yang) essence represents light and active energy.
Element associated with the Root Chakra: Earth
• Metal: Lead
• Qualities: Cold and Dry
• Nature: heavy, dense and substantial
• Gender/Essence: Feminine (Passive Energy)
• Earth Associations: Winter Season; Pentacle (tarot), North Direction; Stability, Strength, Comfort, Grounding, Harvest, Animals.
• Crystals/Gemstones: Red & Dark Brown Stones
Healing the Root Chakra with Nature
Element associated with the Sacral Chakra: Water (Ice/Steam/Fog/Mist)
• Metal: Tin
• Qualities: Cold and Wet
• Nature: heavy, dense and substantial
• Gender/Essence: Feminine (Passive Energy)
• Water Associations: Autumn Season; Bowl/Cup/Chalice (tarot); Direction West; Emotions, Intuition, Divination, Healing, Dreams, Ocean, Rivers, Lakes
• Crystals/Gemstones: Orange stones
Healing the Sacral Chakra with Nature
Element associated with the Solar Chakra: Fire (Heat/Flame)
• Metal: Iron (Gold)
• Qualities: Hot and Dry
• Nature: light, subtle and energetic.
• Gender/Essence: Masculine (Active Energy)
• Fire Associations: Summer Season; Sword (tarot); Candle; Direction South; West;Will, Power, Force, Desire, Courage, Lust, Creativity, Enthusiasm, Passion,
• Crystals/Gemstones: Yellow stones
Healing the Solar Chakra with Nature
Element associated with the Heart Chakra: Air (Wind)
• Metal: Copper; Aluminum; Tin
• Qualities: Hot and Wet
• Nature: light, subtle and energetic.
• Gender/Essence: Masculine (Active Energy)
• Air Associations: Spring Season; Wand/Staff (tarot); Direction East; Thought, Reason, Intellect, Knowledge, Freedom, Memory, Awareness
• Crystals/Gemstones: Green and Pink stones
Healing the Heart Chakra with Nature
Element associated with the Throat Chakra: Aether/Akasha Spirit/Life (Lightning/Electricity)
• Metal: Mercury
• Qualities: Cold and Dry
• Nature: light, subtle and mobile
• Gender/Essence: Masculine Qualities
• Aether Associations: All; Circle or Infinity Symbol; Center; Transcendence, Transformation, Unification, Power, Time, The Void, Crown Chakra
• Crystals/Gemstones: Blue stones
Healing the Throat Chakra with Nature
Element associated with the Brow/Third Eye Chakra: Light/Inner Sound(vibration) (etheric plane)
• Metal: Silver
• Gender/Essence: Feminine Qualities
• Crystals/Gemstones: Purple/Indigo stones
Healing the Brow Chakra with Nature
Element associated with the Crown Chakra: Time/Space (Consciousness/Pure Thought)
• Represents All Senses/Pure Energy
• Metal: Gold
• Gender/Essence: Non-Dual/Unified qualities
• Crystals/Gemstones:White, Gold or Violet stones
Healing the Crown Chakra with Nature