The Chakras and Gender - Masculine/Feminine Energies
Each Chakra is associated with a Gender, or masculine or feminine ernergy. Unlike Male/Female as a sexual gender, these energies represent a quality or essence instead. The female (Yin) essence represents dark, passive and receptive energy; the male (Yang) essence represents light, penetrative and active energy.
Feminine energy is about being, acceptance and receiving while masculine energy is about doing, go-getting, and giving
Just like all beings in nature have both a feminine and masculine energy within them, regardless of their physical gender, a chakra is never completely male or female. Each chakra is associated with the gender that is being mostly expressed in that particular center, and the energies to which that particular chakra represents.
Both the masculine and feminine principles compliment one another, and Energetically, we are all both masculine and feminine since our true spiritual nature is a weave of these two forces.
Every chakra also has either a positive or negative pole, which defines its basic nature and functioning. Chakras that have the positive pole can be said to be in the "giving mode", and chakras that have the negative pole can be said to be in the "receiving mode". These poles differ in each chakra center in the physical female and male bodies.
The direction in which the energy of a chakra rotates is also different in physical males and females. The chakra in a male body rotates clockwise, while in a female body rotates anti-clockwise. The female energy is comprised of electrons and the male energy of protons. The masculine energy is said to be derived of "protons", while the feminine energy is said to be derived of the "electrons".
In physics, every particle has an antiparticle with the same mass but the opposite electric charge. The proton has the negatively charged antiproton; the electron has the positively charged anti-electron, or positron.
Considering the spin direction of each chakra energy center--the masculine/protons is "clockwise", while the spin direction of the feminie/electronis is "anti/counter-clockwise
In Eastern systems, the Shiva and Shakti are manifestations of the male and female energies.
Our energetic body is set up for an innate balance of masculine and feminine energy (yin-yang). But due to influential factors like gender genetics and social conditioning, men to live more presently in their “masculine” chakras, while women tend to reside more naturally in their “feminine” chakras.
When working to balance the chakra energy centers, the key is to achieve a balance between the masculine and feminine energies within the body. For women, when working the chakras, it can benefit to try and emphasize the masculine chakras (1st, 3rd and 5th); while men should work to emphasize the feminine chakras (2nd, 4th and 6th).