Healing the Chakras with Crystals
Each chakra centre is associated with various crystals.
Natural Crystals are energetically vibrating with living energy. Crystals are also transmitters of energy, and each crystal, gemstone and rock has a unique vibration of its own.
Crystals will have an affect on the energy field, or aura, when placed on or near the body. Crystals and minerals can be used for various healing and energizing purposes such as activating, opening and balancing the Chakra centres, as well as for removing energetic blocks or clearing/transmuting energy within the Chakras, or even within the surrounding environment.
The energetic affect that a particular crystal can have often depends its particular energy, as well as the energy and intention of the individual who is using it. A crystal or rock can also be "charged up" with energy for a specific healing use or intention.
There are several crystals associated with each one of the seven chakras. These crystals are useful for working with the energy of that particular chakra, but also for healing physical and non-physical issues related to it. Each chakra also vibrationally corresponds with one of the seven colors of the visible rainbow spectrum, so crystals and gemstones of the same color as the associated chakra will have more of an affect on the energy.
One way to work with crystal energy is to meditate with them, or use them alongside other spiritual practices (such as affirmations, visualizations, reiki healing, etc,.) They can also be worn on the body in the form of jewelry to receive the associated energy. Crystals may also need to be cleared or charged before using them in order to receive the most benefit. They can be placed in a bowl of salt water or placed in or near direct sunlight for a few hours or overnight.
Bloodstone, Black Tourmaline, Black or Red Hematite, Smoky Quartz, Ruby, Jasper, Red/Black Obsidian, Garnet, Sardonyx, Onyx
• Most Red or Black colored stones primarily; also brown and gray
• Stones used for Protection, Grounding, Stability, Physical Energy, Will Power, Security
Crystal Bowl Sound & Color Healing for Root Chakra (Muladhara)
~Root Chakra (Muladhara) ~Crystals,Rocks & Gemstone Shop~
Amber, Carnelian, Tigers Eye, Tiger Iron, Orange Moonstone, Orange Calcite, Shuganite, Orange Coral, Tangerine Quartz
• Most Orange colored stones primarily; also Blue-green and light brown;
• Stones used for Creativity, Cleansing, Intuition, Sexuality, Reproduction, Desire, Emotion
Crystal Bowl Sound & Color Healing for Sacral Chakra (Swadhisthana)
Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana) ~Crystals,Rocks & Gemstone Shop~
Amber, Topaz, Pyrite, Citrine, Tiger's Eye, Yellow Jasper, Calcite, Golden Heliodor/Beryl, Ametrine, Tiger Iron, Lemon Quartz
• Most Yellow and Gold stones primarily.
• Stones used for Ambition, Intellect, Personal Power, Protection
Crystal Bowl Sound & Color Healing for Solar Chakra (Manipura)
Solar Chakra (Manipura) ~Crystals,Rocks & Gemstone Shop~
Emerald, Green Aventurine,
Peridot, Green Calcite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Amazonite,
Moldovite, Chrysoprase, Watermelon Tourmaline,
Unakite, Rose Quartz
• Most Green and Pink colored stones primarily; also Red
• Stones used for Love, Compassion, Emotions, Balance, Universal Conscoiusness
Crystal Bowl Sound & Color Healing for Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Heart Chakra (Anahata) ~Crystals,Rocks & Gemstone Shop~
Turquoise, Blue Lace Agate, Sodalite, Aquamarine, Lapiz Lazuli, Angelite,
Blue Sapphire, Blue Kyanite, chrysocolla,
Celestite, Amazonite, Blue Topaz,
Blue Fluorite, Blue Chalcedony,
Blue Quartz
• Most Blue stones primarily.
• Stones used for Communication, Clarity, Self Expression, Truth
Crystal Bowl Sound & Color Healing for Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)
Throat Chakra (Vishuddha) ~Crystals,Rocks & Gemstone Shop~
Azurite, Labradorite, Lapiz Lazuli, Pietersite, Ametrine, Tanzanite, Purple Fluorite, Iolite,
Turquoise, Amethyst, Lepidolite, Sapphire, Moonstone
• Most Indigo and Purple colored stones primarily; also Red
• Stones used for Spiritual Awareness, Psychic Abilities, Intuition, Inner Wisdom
Crystal Bowl Sound & Color Healing for Brow Chakra (Ajna)
Brow Chakra (Ajna) ~Crystals,Rocks & Gemstone Shop~
Serpentine, Selenite, Sugilite, White Calcite, Charoite, White Onyx, Alexandrite, White Agate, Howlite, Amethyst, Opal, Diamond,
Clear Quartz
• Most Violet and White/Clear colored stones primarily; also pink and light purple
• Stones used for Enlightenment, Cosmic Consciousness, Universal/Source Energy
Crystal Bowl Sound & Color Healing for Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Crown Chakra (Sahasrara) ~Crystals,Rocks & Gemstone Shop~