World Chakra Points Located Around the World
The Earth is not only filled with organic life, but
the planet itself is alive--it's a conscious, living
being with its own creative and evolutionary will. The earth has its own chakra system as well.
Just like the human energy field of our physical
bodies, the body of our physical planet materialized
from a universal energy matrix and has a similar
subtle structure. The 'peaks' of these energetic
structures are considered the major world Chakra
points of the earth. Each Major planetary chakra is
located in one of seven continents of the world
where the energy vortices are the strongest.
There are also many minor chakras points that are spread out around
the planet.
Similar to
how our physical health reflects the current
energetic state of each chakra, the chakra centers
of mother earth also govern her health, and each
chakra location is a reflection of the energetic
state of the planet.
Like the chakras of the human and animal body, the
planetary chakras each have their own particular
bandwidth of energy that makes up the complete
energy body of the earth. Each of the seven major Chakra centers correspond to particular geographical locations on the
The same way the kundalini energy travels its way up
the spine from the root chakra point in the body,
energy also rotates throughout the planet in a
similar way.
Each vortex, or vortice points of the earth, are where
energy spirals and flows up and out. They connect
with Earth’s chakra points, working together as an
energetic grid around the planet.
The planetary chakras are considered to be spherical
in shape and expand in all three dimensional
directions in a spiral motion (either clockwise or
anti-clockwise), each with a radius extending for
hundreds of kilometers.
The major chakras and earth vortices are
located at various sacred sites around the world. These locations are highly charged with the energy reflected by the associated chakra. The locations may vary according to ancient
or modern tradition, and some may shift location based on planetary cycles.
One can connect with each of the Chakra locations on earth to receive healing benefits in the corresponding chakra of the body, or to energize or activate a particular chakra. If physically visiting the geographical location is not possible, one can still connect to the earth's chakra points through meditation and visualization of the locations or sacred sites, while focusing on the corresponding chakra of the body.
The First planetary Chakra corresponds to the Root (Muladhara) Chakra.
Mt. Shasta, in California, U.S is considered the
Root Chakra of the earth, as well as Mt. Saint
Helens (Louwala-Clough) in Washington, U.S. Some also link Mt. Shasta to the 5th
This energy center is considered the mostprimal of
the earth chakras and is the base of where universal
energetic force is said to gather before it becomes
life and is released into global circulation. The
energy at this center can be likened to geysers
which rush to the surface with energy, or prana,
much like the kundalini energy at the root of the
physical body rushes to the crown chakra.
The Second planetary Chakra corresponds to the Sacral (Swadhisthana) Chakra.
Lake Titicaca, located on the border of Peru and
Bolivia, in South America is considered the Sacral chakra of the
earth, as well as Machu Picchu, located in the Andes Mountains in Peru.
The Rainbow serment, also known as the Plumed, or
feathered serpent is found in many sourth american
legends and is representative of the kundalini
energy rising to the sacral chakra of the planet.
This center has some of the most ley lines on the
planet. This space is where primal energy starts to
birth itself into form. The earth overcomes entropy
through this sacral chakra.
The Third planetary Chakra corresponds to the Navel/Solar (Manipura) Chakra
Uluru (formally Ayers Rock), in the Northern
Territory of Australia, is considered the
Navel/Solar Chakra of the Earth.
Some also link this chakra with Kata Tjuta, and to
Mount Kailas in the Himalayan Mountains, in Asia. This
chakras role is to maintain the vitality of the
The giant, monolithic rock found at this center is
home to many of the Dreamtimes legends of the
native aborigical people of the land. Kata Tjuta is
considered Uluru's sister rock formation.
The Fourth planetary Chakra corresponds to the Heart (Anahata) Chakra.
Glastonbury, Somerset and Shafesbury, Dorset in
England, located in the British Isles bordering Scotland and Wales, in Europe. are considered the Heart Chakra of the
earth. This chakra is also sometimes associated with
Maui, in Hawaii, U.S. The Haleakalā volcano on Maui
matches the Schumann Resonance at 7.8 cycles per
second, the same resonance of our hearts and the
natural state of Earth.
This center is the "world's heart" and is the holy
grail of the planet. This area is well known for its
high level of crop circle formation.
The Fifth planetary Chakra corresponds to the Throat (Visdhuddha) Chakra.
The Great Pyramids of Giza near Mt. Sanai, Egypt, as
well as Mt. Olives, Jerusalem and the Middle East is
considered the Throat Chakra of the Earth.
This center is the "voice of the planet" and is the
only planetary chakra that does not exist on a ley
line. It is the exact center of the earth's land
It is said that the Middle Eastern conflict is due
to the cries of the earth calling for help and
voicing an urgent message to awaken humanity. It is
essential to the health and healing of the planet
that we all open our hearts and unite with one
another in peace and harmony.
The Sixth planetary Chakra corresponds to the Brow, or third eye (Ajna) Chakra.
This chakra is often referred to as the "Aeon
Activation Center" and can shift location every few
hundred years.
Currently, Western Europe is considered the Brow
Chakra of the earth. It's also associated with Kun
Lun/Gobi-Lop-Nor Deserts, in Mongolia, as well as
Kuh-e Malek Siah, Triple border of Iran, Afghanistan
and Pakistan.
This center is a portal to extra-dimensional energy
that is entering our world, similar to role of the
pineal gland of our "third eye" or brow chakra. This
space represents other dimensions and realities.
The Seventh planetary Chakra corresponds to the Crown (Sahasrara) Chakra.
Mt. Kailas, located in the Himalayas in Tibet (also
associated with the navel/solar chakra), as well as
Mt. Cook in New Zealand, is considered the Crown
Chakra of the Planet.
This center is known as the "roof of the world' and
represents highly developed consciousness. It is
representative of Divine Planetary Will and
spiritual destiny.

Each plant carries a vibrational frequency that corresponds to one of the seven chakras. The vibrational qualities of each plant will assist in clearing, balancing and energizing your aura and your chakras. {more}
You can receive the gifts of plants by drinking herbal teas or elixers or by using plants or flowers for aromatherapy; consuming certain edible varieties of plants or eating more raw fruits and vegetables; and by simply acknowledging the blessing that nature brings. Taking the time to sit or walk in nature to admire the beauty and absorb the tranqulity it brings will benefit your mind, body and spirit.