Healing the Chakras with Sound Vibrations

The practice of sound healing for the chakras is referred to as 'chakra tuning'. It helps to heal the body and mind and enliven the enregy centers. All the chakras can be tuned during a sound healing/vibration meditation session or a single chakra center can be focused if a particular issue connected to that center needs to be cleared or balanced.
Each chakra has a specific vibration, primordial sound and key musical note associated with it. Listening to these healing sound vibrations will assist in releasing any energy that is causing a block or imbalance in the chakras. We can open up a specific chakra by focusing our attention (with pure intention) on the chakra location and repeating the associated sound or mantra aloud, or by using any of the Chakra Affirmations. It is also beneficial to visualize the color associated with each chakra as you tune them with sound.